Monday, 7 November 2005: 8:55 AM
Convention Center,, Ballroom G, Lower Level
76: Symposium--Water and Chemical Fluxes from the Pore to Landscape Scale: I
Sponsor:S01 Soil Physics
Cosponsor:S11 Soils & Environmental Quality
Presidings:Markus Flury, Washington State University
Thomas Puetz, Agrosphere Institute - Forschungszentrum Juelich
8:55 AMIntroductory Remarks
9:00 AMUnderstanding the Fate of Water and Nitrogen at the Floodplain Scale. 
Keith L. Bristow, CSIRO Land and Water
9:30 AMFrom Pore- to Continuum-Scale Understanding of Flow and Transport Processes in Porous Media.
Hans-Joerg Vogel, University of Heidelberg, Institute of Environmental Physics
10:00 AMComputer Modeling of Multiphase Fluid Flow in Fractured and Porous Media.
P. Meakin, Idaho National Laboratory
10:30 AMBreak
10:45 AMBiohydrochemical Coevolution � Water and Chemical Fluxes in a Marine-Terrace Chronosequence. 
David A. Stonestrom, US Geological Survey, Arthur F. White, US Geological Survey, Marjorie S. Schulz, US Geological Survey
11:00 AMSampling Silica and Ferrihydrite Colloids with Fiberglass Wicks under Unsaturated Conditions. 
Jason M. Shira, Univ. of Idaho, Szabolcs Czigany, University of Pecs, TTK, Barbara Williams, Univ. of Idaho, Markus Flury, Washington State University, Markus Tuller, Univ. of Idaho, James Harsh, Washington State University
11:15 AMMulti-Functional Heat Pulse Probe Measurements of Coupled Vadose Zone Fluxes. 
Jan W. Hopmans, University of California Davis, Annette P. Mortensen, Geological Institute, Jirka Simunek, Department of Environmental Science, Yasushi Mori, Shimane University, Gerard Kluitenberg, Kansas State University, Department of Agronomy, Atac Tuli, University of California
11:30 AMThe Advantage of Lysimeter Experiments to Estimate the Degradation, Leaching Behaviour and Availability to Plants of 14c/15n-Labeled Acetylene Diurea.
Werner Mittelstaedt, Inst Agrosphere, Michael Krajewski, Inst Agrosphere, Fritz Fuehr, Inst Agrosphere
11:45 AMDiscussion
12:00 PMAdjourn
Cosponsor:S11 Soils & Environmental Quality

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