Monday, November 5, 2007

Polymers Seed Coating Effect Winter Canola Seedling Establishment.

Gaganpreet Kaur1, Udai R Bishnoi2, and Ernst Cebert2. (1) Alabama A&M University, 4142 SW Memorial Pky Apt D, Huntsville, AL 35802, (2) Plant and Soil Sciences, Alabama A&M University, PO Box 1208, Normal, AL 35762

One of the major constraints of winter canola (Brassica napus L.) production in southeastern regions of US is poor stand establishment. Improvement in stand establishment with polymer coated of seeds in some crops including spring type canola has been reported. Effects of polymers coatings in winter type canola seed have not been evaluated. Therefore, effect of three polymers [CelGard (CP), Spectrum 511 (SP), and DiscoClear (DC)] each at three concentrations (0.33%, 0.66%, and 0.99%), with and without fungicide Helix, and Apron on seed of two winter cultivars 'Jetton’ and ‘Abilene’ at 0.75″ and 1.5″ planting depth in three soil types (Sandy, Silt, and Clay loam) were evaluated. Results showed that polymer CelGard in cv. Abilene and DiscoClear in cv. Jetton gave highest seedling establishment in all the three soils type. Seeds of both the cultivars when centricoated with Helix, gave higher seedling establishment (88.0% in cv. Abilene and 85.0% in cv. Jetton) than other polymer treatments without Helix. The seedling establishment was higher when coated seeds were planted at 0.75″ depth and 1.5″. However, the seed coated with CelGard has low rate of germination in all the three types of soils. This study suggested that polymer coated canola seeds increased the seedling establishment in all the soil types and it was further enhanced when seeds were coated with polymer and fungicide together.