Saturday, 15 July 2006

Crop Yield Assessment in Traditional Cordia Africana Lam. Tree Intercrop Based Farms in West Wellega.

Diriba Nigusie Debele, Forestry Research Center, Addisa Ababa, 30708, Ethiopia

With cereals maize/sorghum based farming systems of Cordia africana Lam tree intercrop, in West Wellega, based farms were selected at two Pas to assess the yield of the cereals in the vicinity of Cordia africana Lam. using CRD. Each farm has a scattered tree with a density varying from 1-3 trees/ ha. The tree branches were pollarded to reduce shading effects on the cereals. Yield assessment in the vicinity of a single tree in two directions (shade & shade free) was made at 2m intervals on the area of 4m2 for each plot. The sampling extends from the center of the tree up to 14m distances. In all observations yield increases as the distance from the tree decreases. The results show that sorghum (p = 0.000) and maize (p = 0.005) yields are significantly affected by distance from Cordia africana tree at the study site. The yield increase under the tree compared to 14m away was 97% and 68% for sorghum and maize respectively. This is assumed to be the capacity of the tree to recycle nutrient. The cereals grown from underneath Cordia trees resulted in significantly better growth responses and higher crop yield as compared to the control. Key words: Cordia, Maize, Sorghum, Yield.

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