Monday, 7 November 2005

Isozyme Diversity in the Core Subset of the Usa Red Clover Germplasm.

Jorge Mosjidis and K. Klingler. Auburn University, Dept. Agronomy & Soils, Auburn, AL 36849-5412

The core subset had a large amount of genetic diversity as measured by isozymes. Most populations were different from each other except PI 207972 and PI 251564, PI 217507 and PI 229799 that were alike. One population, PI 235867, was not a red clover. Most of the populations (56) were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, thus they are more likely to maintain genotypic and allelic frequencies when increased. Genetic diversity at the species level was high and there was nearly twice as much variability among the wild populations than among the cultivars or landraces included in the core subset.

Handout (.pdf format, 676.0 kb)

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