Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Production and Commercialization of Preserving Food in the South of Guanajuato State, Mexico.

Graciela M.L. Ruiz-Aguilar and Sergio J. Alejo-Lopez. University of Guanajuato, Privada de Arteaga s/n, Salvatierra, Mexico

Ten products represent agricultural craft for the production of preserves in the region: “ate”, rolls of candies, sweet potato, crystallized candies, peanut, oleaginous browned in sugar, “cocada”, fruits in syrup, pickles and marmalade. The object of the present study was to determine subsistent and developmental opportunities of handmade preserving food units in the south region of Guanajuato State, Mexico.

In 1999, governmental statistic identified 14 productive units. Our field investigation estimated more than 50 units located in the main cities. This represents an increase of 3.7 times in 5 years. Fruits to elaborate preserves are quince, “tejocote”, apple, pear and peach. They are gathered in vegetable gardens by producers or by their direct purchase. Elaboration process depends on the type product. For example, to elaborate pickles, vegetables are cut in small pieces. In the case of “ates” and rolls, require a cooking process and pressed manually or with rustic press. Liquors are prepared through extraction of the juice with hand domestic extractors and few producers use electric power. Processes are identified as simple and rustics, as put under the sun to dry the sweet potato, for example. In most of cases, recipe is producers' secret. It highlights use of the copper ladle and power energy is generally gas.

Ended products reach the market in form of rectangles, cubes, cylinders or pellets. They are sold in bulk, by weight or by volume in glass and plastic containers. The alternatives of development of the preserves are very big. Their products are very looked for by the local and national tourism. Migrants generally take them to the USA with a great economic and cultural value in the Latin community. However, it is necessary to guarantee hygienic and quality to become a formal market having higher standards to obtain a better consumer's acceptance.

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