Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Iowa Learning Farm: Educational Concept for Promoting Conservation Systems.

M. M. Al-Kaisi, M. A. Licht, H. M. Hanna, M. J. Helmers, S. C. Padgitt, and M. D. Duffy. Iowa State University, 2104 Agronomy Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1010

The concept of the Iowa Learning Farm focuses on the promotion of efficient agriculture production systems that result in agronomic, economic, and environmental improvements through increased awareness and adoption of conservation systems and ethics. The primary goal of this project is to help producers recognize natural resources problems by utilizing planning processes to implement conservation systems and promote site specific conservation system adoption. The mechanism to execute this concept is through on-farm demonstrations, along with educational programming, that can increase adoption of such systems and in turn contribute to the improvement of soil and surface water quality. To implement this concept the state of Iowa was separated into five geographic regions based on soil formation materials and landscape conditions. Within each geographic region six to ten sites are being established to demonstrate various conservation systems that are suitable for the region. Field demonstrations will be implemented based on conservation plans in paired replicated trials of different tillage or row cropping systems in each region. Soil quality, agronomic, and economic parameters will be measured in these fields to demonstrate the effectiveness of conservation systems in improving soil productivity, grain yield, and other agronomic indicators. Additionally, an extensive education and outreach program was launched to promote conservation systems across the state. This program is multifaceted, which includes field days, field trainings, printed and electronic media activities, regional meetings, and a statewide conservation systems conference. An evaluation component of the project impact will be conducted at different times during the five years of this project.

Handout (.pdf format, 95.0 kb)

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