Monday, 7 November 2005 - 2:30 PM

Topdressing Kentucky Bluegrass with Composted Manure: Turfgrass Performance and Drought Response.

Grant A. Johnson1, Y.L. Qian1, and J.G. Davis2. (1) Colorado State Universitry, Dept. of Hort. and L.A., Fort Collins, CO 80523-1170, (2) Colorado State Univeristy, Dept. of Soil and Crop Sci., Fort Collins, CO 80523

Concerns about water quality issues surrounding nutrient loading into surface and ground water from agricultural manure applications have contributed to the increasing interest in composting manure and topdressing it on turfgrass to alleviate pollution problems attributed to manure. Little information is available regarding the effects of dairy manure compost topdressing on established turfgrass. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of topdressing manure compost on turfgrass growth, quality, and drought response. Compost was topdressed onto three cultivars (Nuglade, Livingston, and Kenblue) of established Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) at rates of 0, 33, 66, and 99 m3ha-1 in May and September 2003 and May 2004. A synthetic fertilizer was applied to balance inorganic N rates among treatments. Compost treatments of 66 and 99 m3 ha-1 had 10% higher mean turf quality than the control during the growing seasons, produced 48-56% higher clipping yield in late summer months, and helped retain turfgrass color longer into the fall and allowed for faster spring green up. During three 10-d dry down periods, compost treatment increased soil water content in the 15-30 cm soil depth during the first 2-3 days, which in turn, increased soil moisture in the 0-15 cm depth towards the end of dry down and led to 1.2-3.3 C lower canopy temperatures and less drought stress compared to the control. These data indicate that compost topdressing allowed more water to penetrate to the 15-30 cm depth after irrigation and enhanced turfgrass growth and quality during periods of drought.

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