Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Production and Commercialization of Corn Tortillas in the South of Guanajuato State, Mexico: Urireo Case.

Graciela M.L. Ruiz-Aguilar and Sergio J. Alejo-López. University of Guanajuato, Privada de Arteaga s/n, Salvatierra, Mexico

In Mexico, elaborate corn tortillas is a daily activity at rural towns. In 1999, it was identified 166 formal establishments with 794 workers in South of Guanajuato State, Mexico. Actually, a field investigation showed that number of producers reduced at 50 businesses. However, 14 producers hire 1,003 workers at 26 % more than in 1999. In addition, it was detected an important production of corn tortilla in a small town called Urireo. It has almost 9,000 inhabitants and more than 250 small units of handmade production of corn tortillas. They have a gross sale of US$ 4,000.00 daily. The main goal of the present study is to establish handmade tortilla units' conditions. Knowledge for corn tortilla elaboration has been acquired for centuries and transmitted by indigenous women through generations. “Tortillera”, woman who made tortilla, is simple, organized and punctual in her task. She is strong, can lift 50 tortilla kilos by herself. “Tortilleras” sell their products on corners by dozens along with their nieces, daughters, or daughter-in-laws. It is a family business.

It was detected that “tortilleras” still have latent the ghost of inequality, discrimination and harass from their husbands who participate very little on tortilla production. In the general, women get things ready by themselves, taking care of their patrimony, their earnings and their woman dignity. The alternatives of development for corn tortillas are big. They sell tortillas in nearby cities and frequently they send large quantity of tortillas to the United States, for many emigrants from this region. However, it is an informal activity and they don't have an appropriate knowledge of international commercialization. Then, it is necessary to promote curses among these women to improve their sales and to establish social programs to reduce abuse and ignorance in the area.

Handout (.pdf format, 341.0 kb)

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