Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Land Use Effects on Soil Chemical Properties from Murcia, Se Spain.

Jose A. Acosta, Angel Faz, and Silvia Martinez Martinez. Technical University of Cartagena, Area of Edafology and Agricultural Chemistry. Department of Agrarian Science and Technology, Paseo Alfonso XIII, nš 52, 30230, Cartagena. Murcia. Spain, Cartagena, Spain

Soil chemical properties are affected by various factors, among them parent material, landscape position, climate, vegetation and land use practices. The effect of these factors is sometimes positive: improving the content of matter organic, increase the capacity of retention of nutrients, etc. while other times the properties of the soils are negatively affected: loss of organic matter, salinization, contamination etc. Often an inadequate soil management can be irreversible for futures soil uses. The study of the differences and variations in the soil properties is an indicator that determines when a use is being appropriated or on the contrary land degradation is taking place. The objective of this study is to identify the effect of different uses on the soil chemical properties. Organic matter, pH, salinity, total nitrogen, cation exchange capacity, change cations and calcium carbonate have been analyzed as indicators of land degradation. With this objective, urban, agricultural, industrial and undisturbed natural areas has been sampled in Murcia (southeast Spain), covering a surface of 100 km2. Most of the agricultural areas are lemon trees plantations, while industrial areas show a great heterogeneity of industries. The results show that the soil management affects to the content of organic matter, cation exchange capacity, salinity and nitrogen, while pH and calcium carbonate are not affected. With the obtained results a diagnostic of the soils quality is presented, detailing some recomendations for an appropriate land use planning and minimize land degradation.

Handout (.pdf format, 437.0 kb)

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