Tuesday, 8 November 2005

Turfgrass Irrigation by Subsurface Drip; Salinity Accumulation and Distribution.

Michael A. Maurer, Justin D. Weeaks, and Richard E Zartman. Texas Tech University, Plant & Soil Science Dept., Lubbock, TX 79409

Salinity management using conventional irrigation systems with poor quality water is a concern for turfgrass managers. The use of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) for the irrigation of turfgrass will provide new challenges in salinity management for turfgrass managers. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of subsurface drip irrigation on the establishment and maintenance of seeded bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon . In 2001 (Expt. I) and 2002 (Expt. II), seeded bermudagrass was evaluated for establishment using SDI. Treatments consisted of emitters and tubing spaced at 30, 46 and 61 cm. The control treatment consisted of pop-up sprinklers. Salinity accumulation is a concern when irrigating turfgrass in areas of poor water quality and low annual rainfall. Salinity accumulation was visible at the soil surface during establishment in 2001, but turfgrass showed no visible signs of stress due to salinity. In 2002, substantial rainfall reduced salinity accumulation during establishment as salinity was not present on the soil surface. Salinity accumulation was greater in most months at the 0-15 cm depth in both years compared to the 15-30 cm depth. Salinity accumulation was greatest at the midpoint between tubing of the 46 and 61 cm treatments in most months of sampling. However, after significant rainfall salinity levels returned to concentrations comparable to initial soil salinity concentrations in both years. Root count and depth of roots for both years showed roots to 61 cm depth in all treatments. Root numbers were greatest at the 8 cm depth and declined at greater depths for all treatments in both years. Full turfgrass coverage (£90%) for the control plots in 2001 was approximately 9 weeks and the SDI treatments had complete coverage in 10 weeks. Turfgrass coverage for all treatments in 2002 was 9 weeks.

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