Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Biogas Effluent of Source-separated Kitchen Garbage as a Starter Fertilizer for Organic Transplants.

Hiroshi Hasegawa, Arai, Aza Harajuku-Minami 50, Fukushima, 960-2156, Japan

Our previous study found biogas effluent of source-separated kitchen garbage (BE) is a quick-release fertilizer comparable to N chemical fertilizer. Major drawback of biogas effluent is low N concentration (total N<0.4%). Our goal of this study was the potential of BE as a starter fertilizer for organic transplants because a small amount of BE may be efficient to organic transplants. Sixteen kinds of vegetables such as, broccoli, cabbage, sweetcorn, lettuce, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, okra, shiso, molocheiya, edamame, etc seedling were grown organically in a greenhouse.