Monday, November 13, 2006 - 9:50 AM

Solving Africa's Fertilizer Crisis: The Africa Fertilizer Summit.

Akin Adesina, Rockefeller Foundation, P.O. Box 47543, 00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya

Per capita agricultural productivity in Africa has continued to decline for the past three decades. A major reason for the low agricultural productivity is the extremely low level of fertilizer use by African farmers. This fertilizer crisis has locked the continent in a trap of low agricultural productivity levels. African leaders have decided to take action to address this crisis in order to give the continent an opportunity to trigger an African green revolution. Addressing Africa’s fertilizer challenge requires that critical issues of improving accessibility, affordability and incentives be addressed. The Africa Fertilizer Summit, which was held in Abuja in June 2006, brought together African heads of state and government, donors, farmers, and the private sector to discuss new ways of improving the access of millions of African farmers to fertilizers and other complimentary inputs. Major policy decisions were taken at national and regional levels to address the set of multiple constraints on fertilizer demand and supply.