Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Economic Returns for Peanuts in Sod-Based Cropping Systems.

J.J. Marois1, T.W. Katsvairo1, D.L. Wright1, D.L. Hartzog2, K.B. Balkcom3, P.J. Wiatrak1, and J.R. Rich1. (1) Univ. of Florida, 155 Research Rd., Quincy, FL 32351, (2) Auburn Univ , Wiregrass Reg. Res. & Ext. Cntr., PO Box 217, Headland, AL 36245, (3) Auburn Univ, Wiregrass Reg. Res. & Ext. Cntr., PO Box 217, Headland, AL 36245

In response to reduced economic returns and environmental concerns, there has been an interest in growing peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) in rotation with  bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) followed by  cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in place of the traditional peanut and cotton  rotation. We evaluated the economic returns for peanuts grown after 2 years of bahiagrass in comparison to peanuts grown after two years of cotton under irrigated and nonirrigated conditions. The experiment laid out as a strip block design with irrigation as the main strip and rotations as sub strips was conducted in Quincy, Florida between 2000 and 2005. Peanut yields averaged between 162 to 971 kg ha-1 greater in the bahiagrass rotation compared to the conventional rotation under both irrigation and non irrigated systems. Economic returns are reported before the addition of government subsidies and as a result they are negative. Nonetheless returns were greatest for peanuts in the bahiagrass rotation under non irrigated conditions in all years. Returns were up to -$50 ha-1 greater for the sod rotated peanuts under non irrigated conditions compared to -$160 ha-1 for the cotton rotated peanuts also under non irrigated conditions.


Handout (.pdf format, 2485.0 kb)