Monday, November 13, 2006 - 12:20 PM

Keynote Address.

Vicki Wilde, ICRAF, United Nations Avenue, PO Box 30677 00100, Nairobi, 00000, Kenya

Dr. Wilde will share her experiences and offer insights from her work with CGIAR (Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research).  She is located in Nairobi, Kenya.  The CGIAR is a strategic alliance of members, partners and international agricultural centers that mobilizes science to benefit the poor.


Dr Wilde is the Program leader of the Gender and Diversity Program of CGIAR, which was established in 1999.  The purpose of the Gender and Diversity Program is to the CGIAR Centers leverage their rich staff diversity to increase research and management excellence.  The program promotes such activities as diversity positive recruitment, international teamwork, cross-cultural communications and advancement for women. The CGIAR Gender and Diversity program provides services and resources aimed to create work environment that allow all staff member to contribute their best and produce relevant results.