Reports by Cale Bigelow

A Survey of Home Lawn Soil Phosphorus Levels in North Central Indiana.
Bermudagrass Response to Simulated Traffic and Late-Season Nutrient Applications.
Creeping bentgrass cultivar response to cultivation and nitrogen fertility.
Creeping bentgrass divot recovery as affected by various plant growth regulators.
Dollar Spot Severity as Influenced by Irrigation Practices and Plant Protection Chemicals.
Evaluation of Success Factors for an Online Introductory Turfgrass Science Course.
Fungicide Effects on Turf-Type Tall Fescue Endophyte Infection.
Nitrogen Recovery, Use Efficiency, and Soil Losses of Three Cool-Season Turfgrass.
Reducing annual bluegrass in creeping bentgrass fairways with monthly flurprimidol and flurprimidol + trinexpac-ethyl.