Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 7:50 AM
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor
243: Symposium--Systems Research: I
Sponsor:A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems
Presiding:Patrick Bohlen, MacArthur Agro-Ecology Research Ctr
7:50 AMIntroductory Remarks 
8:00 AMEcological Integration of the Social and Natural Sciences in the Sugar Creek Method. 
Richard Moore, Ohio State Univ--AMP, Deborah Stinner, The Ohio State Univ, OARDC
8:25 AMIntegrating Research, Education, and Outreach at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems: a Model for Meeting the Need for Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture at Land Grant Universities?. 
N.G. Creamer, North Carolina State Univ, James Thorup, North Carolina State Univ., M.S. Schroeder, North Carolina State Univ, H.M. Linker, North Carolina State Univ
8:50 AMBiological Buffering vs. the Green Revolution: Is Modern Agriculture Exempt from the Laws of Ecology?. 
Larry Phelan, OARDC/The Ohio State Univ
9:15 AMPrinciples of Dynamic Integrated Agricultural Systems. 
Jon Hanson, USDA, ARS, John R. Hendrickson, USDA, ARS, Gretchen Sassenrath, USDA-ARS APTRU, John Halloran, USDA-ARS, David Archer, USDA ARS, Shannon Osborn, USDA-ARS, Jeffrey Steiner, USDA-ARS/National Program Staff
9:40 AMDiscussion
9:50 AMBreak
10:00 AMFarmer Research Groups and the Development of the Southern New England Research Agenda. 
Sue Ellen Johnson, New England Small Farm Institute, Thomas Morris, Univ of Connecticut, Dept of Plant Science
10:25 AMParticipatory Management and Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Agriculture Research.
Lennart Salomonsson, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Ulrika Geber, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Johanna Björklund, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Karin Svanäng, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Karin Eksvärd, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Kristina Belfrage, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Charles Francis, Univ of Nebraska
10:50 AMFarm as Holon: Bringing Intentionality into Agroecosystem Analysis. 
William Bland, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Michael M. Bell, Univ. Wisconsin at Madison, Rural Sociology
11:15 AMThe Importance of Quality of Life Values in Agroecosystem Science.
David Kline, Larksong Farm, Deborah Stinner, The Ohio State Univ, OARDC
11:40 AMDiscussion
11:45 AMAdjourn

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