Monday, November 13, 2006: 9:10 AM
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor
81: Symposium--Understanding Plant Water Uptake
Sponsor:S01 Soil Physics
Cosponsors:A03 Agroclimatology & Agronomic Modeling; C02 Crop Physiology and Metabolism
Presiding:Peter Shouse, USDA-ARS U.S. Salinity Lab.
9:10 AMIntroductory Remarks
9:15 AMMacroscopic Approaches to Modeling Root Water Uptake as a Function of Water and Salinity Stress.
Todd Skaggs, USDA-ARS, Martinus Th. van Genuchten, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Lab, Peter J. Shouse, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Lab
9:35 AMWater Uptake and Hydraulics of the Root Hair Rhizosphere. 
Uri Shani, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Eran Segal, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
9:55 AMContribution of Whole Root System Hydraulics to Water Use Patterns of Grapevines.
David R. Smart, University of California, Christine Stockert, University of California, Maria Alsina del Mar, Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries (IRTA), Carme Biel, Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries (IRTA), Samual Metcalf, University of California, Felicidad DeHerralde, Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries (IRTA), Claudia Negron, University of California
10:15 AMSubsoil Water Use by Wheat. 
John A. Kirkegaard, CSIRO Plant Industry, D. Deery, CSIRO Plant Industry, J. M. Lilley, CSIRO Plant Industry, M. McCully, CSIRO Plant Industry, J. B. Passioura, CSIRO Plant Industry, M. Watt, CSIRO Plant Industry, R. White, CSIRO Plant Industry
10:35 AMSoil Water Sensing for Plant Water Uptake. 
Steven R. Evett, USDA-ARS
10:55 AMPolymer Tensiometers and Root Water Uptake under Water-Stressed Conditions.
Martine Van Der Ploeg, Wageningen University, Harm Gooren, Wageningen University, Rene Hoogendam, Wageningen University, Gerben Bakker, Wageningen University, Cindy Huiskes, Twente University, Luuk Koopal, Wageningen University, Henk Kruidhof, Twente University, Ger de Rooij, Wageningen University
11:10 AMA New Modeling Approach of Plant Root Water and Nutrient Uptake. 
Jirka Simunek, Environmental Science, Jan Hopmans, U.of CA-Davis, Land Air Water Res.
11:30 AMPlant Water Uptake: Current Knowledge and a Look Ahead. 
M. B. Kirkham, Kansas State University, Department of Agronomy-KSU
11:50 AMUsing Existing Science to Solve New Plant Water Use Requirements.
Victor L. Hauser, Consultant
12:05 PMDiscussion
12:10 PMAdjourn
Cosponsors:A03 Agroclimatology & Agronomic Modeling; C02 Crop Physiology and Metabolism

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