Monday, November 5, 2007 - 10:15 AM

Transgenic Improvement of Drought Stress Tolerance in Maize.

David Warner1, Tom Peters2, Jaqueline Heard2, and Michael Luethy2. (1) Monsanto Co., 62 Maritime Dr., Mystic, CT 06355, (2) Monsanto Co., 700 Chesterfield Village Pkwy, Chesterfield, MO 63017

Improving drought tolerance of crop plants is predicted to have positive impacts on world wide food production, especially in semi-arid environments, and may include benefits of reduced water consumption, increased productivity, and environmental sustainability. Identification and development of transgenes used to improve drought tolerance requires a robust pipeline of genes, relevant screening platforms and a network of reliable controlled – drought field testing sites.  We report here current biotechnology approaches used within Monsanto to modify drought tolerance in maize by introducing constitutively expressed transgenes. We also present the results from multiple - location, controlled - drought, field trials which demonstrate the ability of these genes to stabilize yield under drought stress.  An overview of current field testing programs and general development activities required for deployment of products with improved drought stress tolerance in Maize will be presented.