Reports by Phillip Owens

Classification and Correlation of High Clay Content Soils of Hungary in World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) and Soil Taxonomy (ST).
Have Soils in Northwestern Indiana Been Influenced by Post-Glacial Acid Sulfate Weathering?.
Impacts of a Swine Manure Spill on Fluvial Sediments: Evaluation of an alternative Manure Spill Remediation Method.
Influence of Tile Drainage on the Perched Seasonal Water Tables in a Clermont Silt Loam Soil.
Lateral Clay Movement and Soil Wetness in a Fragiaqualf catena.
Potassium Availability and Soil Wetness in a Fragiaqualf catena.
The prediction of Soil Moisture Distribution for a small catchment by the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM).
Virtual Profiles – Generating diagrams of soils from written profile descriptions.