Reports by Keith Paustian

Assessment of Sustainable Biomass Removal for Cellulosic Ethanol Production: Soil Sampling, Field- and Regional-Scale Modeling.
Do Soil C Pools Saturate? Evidence from Measurable C Fractions in Agroecosystems.
Does Long-Term Center-Pivot Irrigation Increase Soil Carbon Stocks and Aggregation in Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystems?.
Impacts of Increased Corn Production for Ethanol on Net Greenhouse Gas Fluxes.
Impacts of Prior Land Use and Increased Corn Acreage on Life Cycle Assessment of Net Greenhouse Gas Flux.
Interactions of Cropping History and Residue Management Determine Acceptable Limits for Corn Stover Biofuel Harvest.
Interpreting Protection Mechanisms and Potential Saturation of Soil Organic Carbon: A Functional-Pool Model.
Potential Influence of Biofuel Production on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from US Agricultural Soils.