Saturday, 15 July 2006

Growth of Six Pistachio Cultivars with Respect to their Mycorrhizal Status, Soil Types and Phosphorus Uptake.

Narges Rohani and Ali Ahmadi-Moghadam. Shahid Bahonar Univ of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

Pistacia vera has many cultivars which are caltivated as stocks in grafting procedure in pistachio gardens in different soils regardless of cultivar or soil types in Kerman province, Iran. Since VAM can influence the growth of plants especially via phosphorus acquisition of the plants. the growth of six pistachio cultivars was studied in pot culture experiment. A Randomized complete Block Design (RBD) was set up where cultivars were selected as factors and seven soil types as blocks. Roots, shoots and total dry weights and lengths of plants both with colonization rate of roots with VAM and phosphorus contents of plants and of soil samples were measured and statistically analyzed. The results did not show significant differences between root, shoot, and total plant dry weights and their lengths and colonization rate but significant differences were observed between cultivars in case of their ability to phosphorus uptake. Keywords : Pistachio , Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis , Phosphorus nutrition , Soil type.

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