Alireza Guiti Sr., Islamic Azad Univ, Karadj Branch, Shahrake Ekbatan, Phase 1, Block B2, Voroody2, No50, Tehran, Iran
In a new approach for soil salinity control, we stopped the ascending movement of water in the soil profile. Interposing a perforated impermeable layer, called “ISO GUM”, in a convenient depth of the soil has done this. This layer stops the capillary rising of the saline water within the layer, but guarantees the downward movement of the water through the holes of 3-5 mm in diameter. Effectiveness of the method has been tested in the field and in the greenhouse experiments. The field experiment consisted of following treatments:2 soil treatments; the plots with or without interposed layer,3 levels of irrigation by saline water;W1 corresponds to water requirement, W2 and W3 correspond to W1+5% and W1+15%,respectively,as leaching fractions. Barley seeds were planted in a loamy soil; ECe=1.2mmhos/cm and was irrigated by a saline water of ECiw=2.1mmhos/cm. While the seeds were completing their growth, soil salinity monitoring was going on. Soil samples have been tacken from the depth of 0-30 cm. to measure the ECe. The final results will be obtained on Apr.2004 and will be included in the full paper text. In the first greenhouse experiment, the 40-cm high pots, with or without interposed layer were installed into the basin of water. The iso gum layer in the pots wasinstalled at the middle of soil column 10 cm above the water surface (as a shallow ground water condition). After 10 hours the soil surface of the pots without layer was saturated whereas the soil surface of the pots with interposed layer was completely dry. In another experiment, the perforated layer was interposed in the high pots. Two electrical conductivity sensors were fixed above and under the “ISO GUM layer”. The dynamic of soil salinity variations and the relationships between the water quantity and quality for the leaching process are under investigation We hope that this methodology approves its effectiveness. In such a condition, an encouraging future will be available to reclaim the saline soils

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