Saturday, 15 July 2006

About the Stability of Soils to Oil Contamination along North Export Pipeline.

Babayev Magerram Najafova Samira and Magerram P.; Samira I. Babayev; Najafova. Institute of Soil Science an Agrochemistry, Institute of Microbiology of Academy of Sciences, 5, Mamed Arif, 3, Patamdar Highway, Baku, Azerbaijan

The paper discusses the issues of stability of various soil types to oil contamination along the oil pipelines in Azerbaijan. For this purpose complex analysis of natural biotic and abiotic factors has been carried out. The carried out analysis of natural conditions of the types of all natural components' response in case of accidental oil spill allows dividing the territory along pipelines into two provinces, which exactly differ in the level of natural systems' stability to oil contamination and capability of self-cleaning (actual and potential): north and south. Among situating soils along the route of pipeline (ŃĚÝ") NREP will not possess an absolute resistance on the occasion of emergency waste of the oil in spite of the definite stock of the buffering. It is necessary to foresee, forecast, how goes process of the geochemical de-velopment among situating along the pipeline route on the occasion of pollution. The regular-ity of landscape functioning among situating along the route – types of their replying reac-tions, depend on the intensity and dynamics of pollution, character of polluters, peculiarities of the same natural systems and general natural conditions of their functioning. The object of investigation – virgin lands: greyish-brown (Cypsic Calsisols), serozem (Haplic Calsisols) and different chestnut (Kastanozems ) soils, situated along the oil pipelines route, soil samples for microbiological analysis have been taken from two horizons 0-10 and 10-20 sm, for the analysis of the biological activity of soils breathing intensity has been de-termined, general quantity of saprophytes and carbohydrate acidifier microorganisms. The identification of microorganisms has been carried out over Bergy. Biomass of microorganisms in soil has been calculated over Kodjevin. The coefficient of mineralization of carbohydrate has been determined over our elaborated method. The growth of microorganisms has been determined over an optic density in the photocolorimetre. We carried out systems complex analysis of natural environment properties, general fac-tors of their functioning, responding to one and another aspects of oil contamination impact for the North Export Pipeline (NEP). They are: (1) factors determining the intensity of persistence, migration and extension of oil in vari-ous types of soil and landscapes along the whole pipeline route; (2) factors determining possibility and intensity of increasing the strength of oil or prod-ucts of its degradation; (3) factors determining the intensity of decomposition of oil in soil and water. Scientific principles of ecological forecasting the environment along NEP (within the territory of Azerbaijan) in case of contamination by hydrocarbons, including complex analysis of a wide range of biotic and abiotic factors have been developed and on the basis of these princi-ples systems analysis of appropriateness of functioning habitat along pipelines and types of their response has been carried out. The carried out analysis of natural conditions and types of response of all components of natural complexes along NEP in case of technogenous impact (accidental oil spills) enabled us to divide them into two province exactly differing in the level of stability of natural systems to possible oil contamination and capability of self-cleaning –actual and potential: (1) Zone of extension of Cypsie Calsisols and Haplic Calsisols soils (Sangachal terminal –Divichi); (2) Zone of extension of Kastanozems (Divichi-Shirvanovka). Comparative complex analysis on absorbing ability of biomass of microorganisms and plants with respect to hydrocarbons has shown that the self-cleaning ability of ecosystems along NEP is determined, first of all, by the activities of microbiota. As a rule, the most favorable natural conditions for microorganisms activity are identified for NEP when extending to the north. Just this activity of soil microorganisms determines actual self-cleaning ability of ecosystems along the pipeline.

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