Saturday, 15 July 2006

Pedophilosophy (Pedosophy) – a new field of philosophy of science.

Ioan M. Munteanu, RISSA - Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, 61, Marasti blvd., Bucharest, 012356, Bucharest, Romania

The peculiar problem of this theme is whether there is such a subject, because the term “pedophilosophy” (or pedosophy) implies a set of philosophical problems specific to pedology, this being threatened by the assumption held among some soil scientists that the study of the soil is reducible to soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology or even to geography or geology. Such a risk has been removed once the soil has been recognized (and proved to be) as an independent body of nature with its own laws of organization and development that requires particular methods for its study. “Pedophilosophy” might by defined as a “Field of philosophy of science concerned with ontological and epistemological problems of soil and its relationships with the whole of nature and human society”. The term “Pedosophy” is largely parallel with that of “Ecosophy” (ecological philosophy) used by some ecologists. The main inquires of “pedophilosophy” might by as follows: - Soil as an objective reality of nature: the ontological and epistemological value of the present day concept of soil as used in soil science. - Nature of pedology as science. - How do pedologists sustain their claims? - Role of observation and experiment, role of induction, deduction, reductionism and holism, in obtaining knowledge of soil. - The “truth” value of pedological knowledge, of the pedological laws and pedological paradigms. - Is there a “soil essence” and if so, how to define and grasp it? - How do we have to understand the role of time in soil genesis? - Epistemological value of present day soil classifications. - How do physics, chemistry and biology sustain and contribute to development of pedology. - The role of pedology in binding together different soil science subdisciplines (soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology). - How do the historical and cultural settings affect the concept, content and quality of knowledge upon soil? - How does pedology contribute to the overall knowledge of nature (physical and biological worlds). - The role of soil in shaping the human genome and determining development of human society. - The influence of soil upon human spirituality and culture (religion, myths, arts). Pedophilosophy will allow us a deeper insight into soil and to perceive it not only as a natural entity, natural resource and keystone of the environment but also as Plato said as “our ancestral home that we must cherish more than children cherish their mother”.

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