Monday, 10 July 2006

The Evaluation and Determination of Soil Water Infiltration Coefficient Using Experimental Observations Resulting from Measuring Infiltration by the Doublering Method and Introducing the Most Suitable Model in the Saveh Plain.

Amir Mansour Shahsavar1, Ali Reza Zahirnia2, and Ebrahim Pazira1. (1) Islamic Azad Univ of Science and Research, Hamadan, Hamadan, Iran, (2) Soil and Watershed Managment Research Institute, Agriculture Faculty of Tehran Univ, Terhan, Iran

In this research we studied soil water infiltration in twelve soil series (Saveh l, Saveh 2, Garetapeh, Dolatabad, Garechai, labar 1, labar 2, labar 3 Harisan 1, Harisan 2, Angilavand, Akbarabad)in the Saveh Plain from Markazi Province of Iran using a software program which can extract coefficients of models of water infiltration from observational data. The results indicated that in short time intervals the amounts of water infiltration in the Saveh l, Dolatabad, Labar 2, Labar 3 and Harisan 1, was best predicted by the Kastiakov model. The Saveh 2 , Garetapeh , Garechai , labar 1, Harisan 2 and Angilavand soils were best predicted by the Modified Kastiakov model and the Akbarabad series by the Philip model. In the intermediate intervals the Saveh l, Dolatabad and Akbarabad series were best predicted by the Kastiakov model and the Saveh 2, Garehtapeh, Garechai, labar1, labar 2, Harisan1, Harisan2 and Angilavand series were best predicted by the Modified Kastiakov model. The Philip model best predicted the Labar 3 series. In the longtime intervals in the Garechai, labar 2, Harisan 1 series the Kastiakov model best predicted the results while in the series of Saveh 1, Saveh 2, Garetapeh, Dolatabad, labar 1, labar 3, Harisan 2, Angilavand and Akbarabad series was best predicted by the Modified Kastiakov model. Infiltration rate estimate for all models had the highest fitness ratios to observed quantities. Accumulative infiltration values in the Philip model in the Saveh 2, Garetapeh, Dolatabad, labar 1, Harisan 2 and Angilavand series converted to accurate shape with passing time and had a descending trend.

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