Paul Reich1, Hari Eswaran1, and Friedrich Beinroth2. (1) USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1400 Independence AVenue, Room South 4836, Washington, DC 20250, (2) University of Puerto Rico, Dept. of Agronomy & Soils, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR 00681-9030
A global soil regions map at a scale of 1:5 million is presented. The map identifies the dominant suborders and was originally published in 1999 in the 2nd Edition of Soil Taxonomy. The map has subsequently been published in several textbooks and encyclopedias. The latest version includes changes that reflect updates to Soil Taxonomy. The introduction of the Gel- suborders in the 9th Edition of Keys to Soil Taxonomy (2003) required significant changes that resulted in a substantial redistribution in the area of the suborders, particularly in Inceptisols. Other modifications were made based on new information from larger scale soil maps from select countries.

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