Saturday, 15 July 2006

Significance of the External Conditions in Salinized Soil Genesis.

Tatiana N. Elizarova Sr., Inst of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Sovetskaya, 18, Novosibirsk, Russia

On the flats of the Western Siberian South-East there is clearly seen connection of salt accumulation and landscape development history that appears at the background against general drying up of the territory. The new information has been obtained on polygenesis of salt profiles. It is based on dynamical and cyclic development of soil-formers. These findings also reflect bioclimatic, landscape-lithological and hydrological features of outer conditions of different periods of time. In the conditions of forest-steppe and steppe landscapes early stages of drying up of Barabinskaya and Kulundinskaya flats were accompanied by development of hydromorphic weakly salinized soils of chernozem-like aspect. The most spread well drain soil-forming rocks aren't practically salinized. Only modern lake and lake-swamp deposits have got high salinization. The main salt input coming from the arid regions of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia is an aerial one. Post-glacial (modern) epoch should be considered as the period of atmosphere salt accumulation here. During Pleistocene at the eastern and northeastern parts of the territory (Eastern Barabinskaya flat) tectonic elevation occurred and they were the areas of leaching. At the same time southern and southwestern parts (Western Barabinskaya and Kulundinskaya flats) were slowly sinking and accumulating transferable salts. Climate fluctuations changed these processes intensity. During the dry periods (Middle Holocene) water discharge decreased and the lower sites were salinized more actively; during the damp ones (Early and Late Holocene) erosion increased, depression were watered, their periodical washing was established and salt break went out the borders of investigated territory. Hydrogenic genesis of modern soils is confirmed by great deal of investigations. It was revealed that chernozems, chernozem-meadow and meadow soils have got common indicators: clear profile differentiation in mechanic and chemical composition; high lie of illuvial horizon and its nutty with organic colloid clay on aggregate structure; pendant forms of humus tongues; wide ratio of alkaline-soluble forms sesquioxides; high contents of hard-hydrolyzed residue in humus composition and narrow ratio Cha/Cfa; narrower ratio Ca:Mg in exchanged cation composition and Na presence among them; oxidation-protoxid new formations that indicate common Holocene evolution, It was firstly proposed to consider the holocene evolution of soils as a main reason of soda accumulation in meadow and steppe landscape of the Western Siberian. Such an evolution is directed from meadow-swamp solonchak to meadows soils and meadow-chernozem solodized ones and then to chernozems and gray forest solodized soils. It is experimentally established, that eluvial-automorphic soil formation is characterized by two stages of salts leaching, reorganization of cation structure of a soil exchanged cation composition and soil alkalanization. In soils of various degree of hydromorphism and partly in automorphic soils, due to alkaline reaction and cyclic direction of water-salt migration of a geochemical stream, soil mass peptisation and displacement of silt and clay fractions from eluvial into illuvial horizon occur. Formation of clay soil-grownd thickness differentiation results in formation of several local water-emphasises and superficiale water above them, reduction of vertical and increasing of horizontal soils and grownds permeability. The level of ground water becomes more labile. In a zone of active water-salt change of soils on depth of 50-70 sm burial eluvial and illuvial horizons are found. The main factor of solonchak formation is evaporation of capillary solutions coming from mineralized ground waters. Solonchaks and meadow-swamp solonetzs is characterized by general circulation of soil solutions and ground waters. Ground waters don't influence on the profiles of automorphic or meadow-steppe solonetzs while meadow hydromorphic solonetzs periodically feel this influence. Change of ground water level to upper position causes recovering of salinization process and transformation of solonetzs into solonchaks. The investigation have shown, that halogenesis on the flats of the Western Siberian South is determined, from one side, by direction of Holocene evolution of soil-ground thikness accompanied by changes of salinization, dissalinization, solodization and alkalinization processes, and by intercontinent and inside landscape geochemical salt exchange (including aeolian and water salt transfer), from the other. This investigation is supported by RFFI (project 03-04-49674).

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