Tuesday, 11 July 2006 - 1:15 PM

The Development of EU Soil Protection Policy.

Michael Hamell, European Commission, Directorate-General for the Environment, Unit B1: Agriculture and Soil, Brussels, Belgium

During much of the past decade, there has been an increasingly active debate within Europe on the need to ensure the protection and sustainable use of soil. In 2002, the European Commission published a communication “Towards a thematic strategy for soil protection”, which described 8 threats to soil namely erosion, organic matter decline, biodiversity decline, compaction, salinisation, landslides and flooding, contamination and sealing (or land take) and their effects on soil functions. This communication received favourable comment from the other EU institutions which generally encouraged a comprehensive approach to be taken in establishing a soil protection policy. Since 2002, there has been further fact finding on the state of soils and on the best manner in which to protect them with considerable support for a framework approach allowing European Union Member States to address the major threats in a comprehensive manner. At time of abstract preparation, the Commission is finalising its reflections before making any proposals.

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