Saturday, 15 July 2006: 8:00 AM-11:00 AM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor
121: 1.1C Soil Micromorphology, Archaeometry, and Archaeology - Poster
Presiding:Selim Kapur, University of Cukurova
Convenor:Alexander Tstskin, University of Haifa
Characterization and Micromorphological Observations of Fe/Mn and Silicate Minerals in Okinawa and Brazilian Soils.
Alexandre Pereira De Bakker, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA)
Root-Adhering Soil and Microstructure as Affected by Crop Species in a Volcanic Sandy Soil.
Fernando De León-González, Univ Autónoma Mteropolitana-Xochimilco, Ma del Carmen Gutiérrez-Castorena, Colegio de Postgraduados, María del Carmen González-Chávez, Colegio de Postgraduados
Micromorphology, SEM and Genesis of Saline and Gypseous Soils of Bam Area , Southeastern Iran.
Ebrahim Moghiseh, Tehran Univ
Discrimination of Induration Features in Some Iranian Soils Using High- resolution CT Scanner Imagery.
Fereydoon Sarmadian, Soil Science Dept, Faculty of Soil and Water, Univ of Tehran, Richard Heck, Univ of Guelph
Soils Derived From Shale Deposits In Egypt. I. Soil Genesis and Classification.
Gamil W. Ageeb, National Research Center
Characterization and Formation of Iron-Manganese Nodules of Ultisol with Plinthite in Taiwan.
Shih-Hao Jien, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ, Taipei, Taiwan, Zueng-Sang Chen, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ
Morphology, Micromorphology and Genesis of an Endoaquept in Bangladesh.
Sheikh M. F. Rabbi, Khulna Univ, Syed Elahi, Dhaka Univ
Type of micromorphological structure in Rendzic Leptosols from the Małopolska Upland (Poland).
Zbigniew Zagórski, Division of Soil Science, Department of Soil Environmental Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural University - SGGW
Origin of Gravel-Clay Horizons in Soils Developed from Lower Triassic Red Beds in the Holy Cross Mountains (S Poland).
Zbigniew Zagórski, Div of Soil Science, Dept of Soil Environmental Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural Univ- SGGW, Sylwia Grela, Divi of Soil Science, Dept of Soil Environmental Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural Univ - SGGW
Record of Holocene Environmental Changes in the Northern Fertile Crescent Inferred From Pedogenic Carbonate Laminations on Stones at Göbekli Tepe (SE Turkey).
Konstantin Pustovoytov, Univ of Hohenheim, Inst of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Klaus Schmidt, German Archaeological Inst, Heinrich Taubald, Univ of Tubingen/Inst of Geosciences
Effects of Hydrophilic Polymers for Historical Site Conservation on Water Movement in Soil.
Shoichi Mitsuishi, Dept of Biological and Environmental Engineering,Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The Univ of Tokyo, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Univ of Tokyo, Masaru Mizoguchi, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Univ of Tokyo

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