Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
255: Managment and Quality of Misc. Crops
Sponsor:C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality
Response of Olive (Olea europea L. cv �Barnea� ) Roots to Drip Irrigation with Saline Water.
Jhonathan Ephrath, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Wyler Department for dryland Agriculture, Zeev Wiesman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Phyto-Lipid Bitechnology Lab (PLBL),Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Moshe Silberbush, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Wyler Department for dryland Agriculture, Sebastian Weissbein, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Phyto-Lipid Bitechnology Lab (PLBL),Department of Biotechnology Engineering
Plant Density Modifications of Cotton Within-Boll Yield Components.*
Craig Bednarz, Texas Tech University
Timing Vine Desiccation to Optimize Yield, Tuber Size Distribution, and Quality of Two Colorado Russet Potato.
Samuel Y.C. Essah*, Colorado State University, David G. Holm, Colorado State University, Robert D. Davidson, Colorado State University
Weed Management Strategies for Organically Grown Flax (Linum usitatissimum).*
Sarah Carlson, Iowa State University, Mary H. Wiedenhoeft, 1126D Agronomy Hall, Margaret Smith, Iowa State University
Nitrogen Management in Sod-Based Cotton Cropping Systems.*
T.W. Katsvairo, Univ. of Florida, D.L. Wright, Univ. of Florida, J.J. Marois, Univ. of Florida, D.L. Hartzog, Auburn University, Wiregrass Reg. Res. & Ext. Cntr, K.B. Balkcom, Auburn University, Wiregrass Reg. Res. & Ext. Cntr, J.R. Rich, Univ. of Florida, P.J. Wiatrak, Univ. of Florida
Evaluation of Cotton Growth and Yields Following Simulated Cadre Carryover.
P.J. Wiatrak, Clemson Univ. / Edisto REC, T.W. Katsvairo, Univ. of Florida, D.L. Wright, Univ. of Florida, J.J. Marois, Univ. of Florida
A Physiological Advantage of the Invasive Shrub Buckthorn.*
David L. Dornbos, Calvin College, Erica Vandergaast, Calvin College
Assessment of Cultivar and Environmental Effects on Hulless Barley End-use Quality.*
Carl Griffey, Virginia Tech, Wynse Brooks, Dept. Crop & Soil Environ. Sci., Wade Thomason, Dep. Crop & Soil Environ. Sci., Kevin Hicks, USDA-ARS, Rolando Flores, USDA-ARS, Frank Taylor, USDA-ARS, Andy McAloon, USDA-ARS, Robert Moreau, USDA-ARS, David Johnston, USDA-ARS, Gerard Senske, USDA-ARS
Anthocyanins Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Colored Barley Germplasms.*
Mi-Jung Kim, Honam Agricultural Research Institute, Jin-Ae Kim, Konkuk Univ, Min-Young Kim, Konkuk Univ, Ill-Min Chung, Konkuk Univ, Jong-Nae Hyun, Honam Agricultural Research Institute, Jung-Gon Kim, Honam Agricultural Research Institute

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* = Poster available online