Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - 9:30 AM

Organic Transitions: The Evolution of Organic Research, Theory and Practice.

Mark Lipson and Jane Sooby. Organic Farming Research Foundation, P.O. Box 440, Santa Cruz, CA 95061

An historical overview of U.S. research on organic agriculture since the late 1970s is presented in the context of developments in public policy, the marketplace, and research institutions. The presentation traces organic research and education from “taboo” status to its present momentum. This trajectory is correlated in time with efforts initiated by organic producers, economic growth of the organic production sector, and with concomitant responses from government and academia.

The current overall state of U.S. organic research and education is characterized as "transitional" and compared analagously with the conversion of agricultural systems to organic production.   

The content of U.S. organic research portfolios is also examined, and compared with research needs expressed by organic producers. A national organic research agenda synthesis is proposed, with examination of prospects and strategies for its pursuit.