Monday, November 5, 2007: 7:45 AM | |||
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor | |||
72: Graduate Student Oral Competition: I | |||
Sponsor: | C05 Turfgrass Science | ||
Presiding: | Freddie Waltz, University of Georgia | ||
7:45 AM | Introductory Remarks | ||
7:50 AM | 72-1 | Effects of Elevated CO2 on Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) during the Ante Meridiem Photoperiod for Summer Heat Stress Tolerance.![]() Rodney Tocco, University of Tennessee, John Sorochan, University of Tennessee, Carl Sams, University of Tennessee, Scott McElroy, University of Tennessee | |
8:05 AM | 72-2 | Site Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Soil Moisture Conditions on Golf Courses. Joseph Krum, University of Georgia, Robert Carrow, University of Georgia, Keith Karnok, University of Georgia | |
8:20 AM | 72-3 | Genetic Variation in Rooting of Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Cultivars and Selections Under Heat Stress.![]() Robert Shortell, Rutgers University, William A. Meyer, Rutgers University, Bingru Huang, Rutgers University, Stacy A. Bonos, Rutgers University | |
8:35 AM | 72-4 | Evaluation of Sand Topdressing Rate and Frequency Effects on Anthracnose Severity of an Annual Bluegrass Putting Green.![]() John C. Inguagiato, Rutgers University, James A. Murphy, Rutgers University, Bruce B. Clarke, Rutgers University | |
8:50 AM | 72-5 | Evaluation of Remote Sensing to Measure Plant Stress in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Fairways.![]() Aaron R. Johnsen, University of Minnesota, Brian Horgan, University of Minnesota, Van Cline, Toro Company | |
9:05 AM | 72-6 | Comparison of Four Bioassay Methods for Evaluation of Potential Mitotic-Inhibiting Herbicide Resistant Poa annua.![]() Matthew Cutulle, University of Tennessee, J. Scott McElroy, University of Tennessee, John C. Sorochan, University of Tennessee, C. Neal Stewart, University of Tennessee | |
9:20 AM | 72-7 | Disease Management Strategies for Controlling Spring Dead Spot of Bermudagrass.![]() Daniel Perry, Mississippi State University, Maria Tomaso-Peterson, Mississippi State University, Gregg Munshaw, Mississippi State University | |
9:35 AM | 72-8 | Determination of the Optimal Temperature Range for Infection of Creeping Bentgrass by Pythium volutum, a Causal Agent of Pythium Root Dysfunction.![]() James Kerns, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lane Tredway, NC State Dept of Plant Pathology | |
9:50 AM | 72-9 | Spray Adjuvants Influence Bispyribac-sodium Efficacy for Annual Bluegrass Control In Cool-Season Turfgrass. Patrick McCullough, Dept. of Plant Biology and Pathology, Stephen Hart, Rutgers State University Accounts Payable | |
10:05 AM | 72-10 | Loop-Imbedded Turfgrass Modules for Online Instruction. Jing Dai, Penn State University, A.J. Turgeon, Penn State University | |
10:20 AM | 72-11 | Erosion Potential of Various Golf Course Bunker Sands.![]() Jared Nemitz, Purdue University, Cale Bigelow, Purdue University, Adam Moeller, Purdue University, Glenn Hardebeck, Purdue University, Kristie Walker, Purdue University, Doug Smith, Purdue University | |
10:35 AM | Discussion & Break | ||
10:50 AM | 72-12 | Critical Weed-Free Period for Overseeded Bermudagrass in Northern Climates. Tyler L. Mittlesteadt, Virginia Tech, John B. Willis, Virginia Tech, M. J. Goddard, Virginia Tech, Shawn D. Askew, Virginia Tech | |
11:05 AM | 72-13 | Genetic Engineering of Creeping Bentgrass for Enhanced Drought Tolerance.![]() Christian Baldwin, Clemson University, Hong Luo, Clemson University, Haibo Liu, Clemson University, Lambert McCarty, Clemson University, Nihal Rajapakse, Clemson University, Joe Toler, Clemson University | |
11:20 AM | 72-14 | Utilizing Turfgrass Color Analysis to Predict Spring Nitrogen Requirements and Yield of Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass Grown for Seed. Elizabeth Kurcinka, University of Minnesota Agronomy & Plant Genetics | |
11:35 AM | 72-15 | Evaluation of Fertility Protocols for Sprig Establishment of Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum).![]() J. Lewayne White Jr., The University of Georgia, Freddie Waltz, University of Georgia, Paul Raymer, University of Georgia | |
11:50 AM | Discussion & Concluding Remarks | ||
12:00 PM | Adjourn |
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